April 29, 2024

Indomie at Huishoudbeurs 2024

From 17th till the 24th of February, Asian Food Group joined forces with Indomie at the Huishoudbeurs in Amsterdam to promote and build brand awareness for the Indomie brand. Together we created a true Indomie brand experience with the concept ‘’try, buy & win!’’.

Huishoudbeurs is a popular event in Amsterdam, which attracted 104.000 visitors this year.

The Indomie stand was a great success and proved to be the most popular food stand at the event, reaching 10% of the visitors through sampling and selling one pack on average to 80% of the visitors.

The stand attracted long queues of curious consumers who wanted to taste Indomies noodles, resulting in purchase of Indomie. Those consumers who ended up buying a box of Indomie, all got their hands on the to win colorful merchandise, including (shopping) bags, umbrella’s, clothing and other popular pieces.

Due to these types of events we are able to reach our (potential) target audiences, resulting in growing our Indomie fanbase. We are grateful for this partnership and look forward to continuing this success.

Asian food group distributie centrum

About Asian Food Group

The Asian Food Group is a group of cooperating companies within the Asian food sector, such as wholesalers and private labels. The group was founded as the result of the acquisitions of Lucullus B.V. in 2020, Thai Mas B.V. in 2021 and Sin Wah Foods B.V. in 2022.

The group has centralized its operations from their headquarters and 60.000 m2 distribution center in Haps (Noord-Brabant), The Netherlands.

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